#MoreThanAMutha is all about celebrating the things that women are, as well as being amazing mothers. In a world where many women feel like they lose their identity when they become a mum, it is important to celebrate and shout that we might be mums, but we are not only that and we are still a force to be reckoned with.
What makes you more than a mother?
Besides being a mum to my 3 year-old son, I have a passion for helping mums beat loneliness! I struggled with severe Post Natal Depression for over 2 years, and I was also very lonely – both physically but also emotionally. When I found out the loneliness can cause PND I was determined to do something about it!
So I set up MummyLinks. It is a free app that helps mums beat loneliness through safe and local playdates. It is invite/approval only through the Facebook Group and I love it! It’s so nice to hear so many mums across the UK meeting, making friends, and supporting each other.
I also use a lot of my time to raise awareness of PND and reduce the stigma. I ran a viral campaign in maternal mental health week called #shoutieselfie to show the world that PND is ok and nothing to be ashamed of. It was covered by BBC, ITN, 5News, SkyNews and Huff Post to name a few!
Are people surprised when they realise you are more than a mum? Does that bother you?
People who knew me before kids definitely aren’t surprised! I’ve always loved to work and to help people – so MummyLinks is the perfect thing for me.
What challenges do you face when you’re juggling motherhood and being more than a mutha? (childcare, judgements of others, time etc)
It can be hard – trying to balance everything. Luckily my family live close by so they have been great at looking after my son so I can progress the app, go to interviews, speak at conferences etc. Without this it would be really tough. But because MummyLinks is helping mums, and being a mum is my life, a lot of it is just about getting out as a mum and letting people know about it!
How long did it take you to remember you were more than a mother after you had your child(ren)?
This took me quite a while. I got completely lost for a while – the PND obviously not helping. But this was what made me so passionate about MummyLinks – I’m using that awful experience and creating the silver lining of helping mums.
Who, or what, helps you to make time for yourself? What do you do to escape the stresses of motherhood?
My husband is amazing – he often takes our son our for Saturday morning and I can work or just chill. An every night I actually do some cross-stitch (like a grannie I know!!) – it really helps me to switch off and I love it as it’s also creative!
What advice would you offer a mum who might not be feeling like they are more than someones mum right now?
I’d encourage them to find something for them. Whether it’s cross-stitching like me (!), a night out with the girls every once in a while, or finding local mums for a proper chat (hint hint!!) it is important not to just be you and baby all the time. There is a whole world out there and your baby will benefit from having a happy, inspired mum.
Any advice for someone who is going through the same things as you are right now in their quest to be #MoreThanAMutha?
Keep at it!
Follow Emily
Emily is currently fundraising here.
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